Stepping Into A "Magical World"

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In this podcast episode, biblical studies scholar Matthew McGuire discusses his book "A Magical World: How the Bible Makes Sense of the Supernatural," exploring the intersection of the supernatural, ESP, and Christian beliefs. The hosts, including Brandon, BT, and Lindsy, engage in a deep conversation about spiritual laws, the latent power of the human spirit, and the biblical and historical perspectives on paranormal phenomena. They consider the implications of near-death experiences, peak experiences, and the role of love in spiritual connections. The episode highlights the book's apologetic approach, its relevance to evangelical audiences, and concludes with a prayer from McGuire.

A Magical World is available in Kindle, Paperback, & Hardcover at
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The bible and human experience of the supernatural (00:00:07)
Introduction of the guest and his book (00:00:28)
Matthew McGuire's background and inspiration for writing the book (00:04:09)
Understanding the terms "supernatural" and "paranormal" (00:08:05)
Exploring extrasensory perception (ESP) and spiritual sensitivity (00:13:24)
Empirical evidence for extrasensory perception (ESP) (00:16:48)
Sensitive to Spiritual Things (00:19:43)
ESP and Love (00:20:06)
Demon in the Gaps (00:22:21)
Robert the Doll (00:24:01)
Human Mind and ESP (00:25:55)
Supernatural and Gray Areas (00:27:06)
Pastoral Sensitivity to Spiritual Gifts (00:29:31)
Latent Power of the Soul (00:30:49)
Baptism and Protection from Evil Spirits (00:34:26)
Engagement with the Supernatural (00:36:39)
The secessionists' supernatural acts (00:38:59)
Defining near-death experiences (00:39:31)
Peak and Darrien experiences (00:41:28)
Sinister forces and out-of-body experiences (00:43:50)
Ghosts and biblical perspectives (00:48:29)
Biblical authors' view on ghosts (00:52:16)
Monotheistic therapeutic materialism in Christianity (00:57:26)
Eyewitness Testimonies and Convincing the Fence-Sitters (00:59:22)
A Different Approach to Apologetics (01:01:31)
Chapters Covering Various Supernatural Topics (01:03:27)
Prayer and Closing Remarks (01:05:06)
Stepping Into A "Magical World"
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