Ministry on the Fringes & Journey with SRA

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Are you ready to take a DEEP dive?
In this episode of the Unrefined Podcast we feature an interview with Steve Harmon, an amazing follower of Jesus who does ministry on the fringes.  We discover how he walks with the Lord to be the hands and feet in a lost and lonely world. His stories are inspiring and create a sense of urgency for those of us in discipleship to step out and be Jesus.

Steve discusses how his main goal is to change the world, to have an effect in bringing the kingdom on this planet. He continues with his desire to train and equip people, grow them in the ability to heal the sick. “We have an army to fight the battle because there is a battle.”

The host and guest talk about - What is the point of a miracle? Not just to heal people, but to prove to people that God is real.  If you have power behind it, then that solidifies or at least helps give much more evidence to the reality of God.

Brandon asks Steve to talk about his journey doing ministry with SRA or Satanic ritual abuse (programming). Steve explains how the soul fractures through trauma. What happens when it comes to SRA is that the demonic takes those parts and then they imprison them. It makes it really hard to try to get that system to come to the other side.

Steve discusses how the book of Job basically is a book that proves what all he’s saying is true. In Job when God says to Satan, ‘all he has is in your hands’, God’s just stating what the law says. God is the judge. Christians have taken that verse out of context so badly.

Doing ministry is about building the kingdom. You can't just get caught up in the American dream lifestyle. We have responsibility, a commission to do the things that we need to do.

Steve’s Start into Ministry on the Fringes
Why Healing Seems to Happen 
Holy Spirit Will Put the Right Tool in your Hand
Doing Deliverance
Knowledge Based versus Obedience-based Christianity
Big Sword but has very Little Armor On
Transforming the Inside of You
Demonic Knows the Power of What Happens
Father, Son and Holy Bible
Satanic Ritual Abuse Phenomenon
What SRA is
Book of Job
What Goes on in the Spiritual World
SRA are Like Power Sources for Witchcraft and the Demonic
Differing Worldviews
No More American Dream Lifestyle 
Responsibility That We Have 
Jesus Lived a Full on Lifestyle 
If You Do Half of the Things Jesus Said 
Journey With SRA Around the Country 
Biggest Changes That I've Learned From All of This
Discipling the Person at a Deep Level
SRA Victim Was a Christian and Went to Church
Manchurian Candidate with Denzel
Tried to Kill Me
Second SRA Person on the Journey
Witches Coming to Her Home
Alien Human Spirits
What Blood Establishes in Spiritual World
Ministry on the Fringes & Journey with SRA
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