Primer on Paranormal
Download MP3Professional Paranormal Investigator Shares Memorable Cases In Mississippi
Brandon and Lindsy welcome Brian Riley, a paranormal investigator, to their podcast. They clarify that they don't necessarily agree with every opinion voiced on the show, but overall they enjoyed the conversation.
Brian is the founder of the Mississippi Paranormal Society and was inspired to investigate paranormal activity due to the abundance of ghost stories and reported haunted locations in his hometown of Vicksburg. He shares some of the most notable locations including Cedar Grove Mansion, Duff Green Mansion, and McGraven Tour Home. They then dive into the conversation about paranormal investigation and discuss entities and ghosts.
Brian is an experienced paranormal investigator and he explains the different types of paranormal activity, such as hauntings, PK manifestation, and demonic activity.
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Interview with Paranormal Investigator Brian Riley
Paranormal: A Haunting Experience
Different Types of Hauntings
Paranormal Activity: Common Types of Hauntings and Demonic Manifestations
The Unknown
Investigating Paranormal Activity in Private Residences and Historic Places
Duff Green Mansion: A Memorable Experience
Investigating the Supernatural
Exploring Equipment
Investigating Paranormal Phenomena: Exploring EVPs, ITC Devices, and Matrixing
Phenomenon of Pareidolia
Investigating Paranormal Phenomenon: A Skeptical Approach
Paranormal Activity
Mediums in Paranormal Investigations
Exploring Planes of Existence, Vortices, and Portals in Paranormal Activity
Conversation on Supernatural Phenomena and Victorian Rituals Around Death
Difference Between Demonic and Non-Demonic Hauntings
Dealing with Skeptics in the Supernatural Realm
Ghost Hunting: Exploring the Unknown with an Open Mind
Difference Between Ghosts and Spirits
Impact of Paranormal TV Shows on Paranormal Investigations
Ghost Hunting Event at Southern Cultural Heritage Center with Skeptic in Attendance