I Adjure You: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Battles

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Get ready for an episode that dives into the depths of ancient spiritual warfare! We welcome back Dr. Merrill Greene, a scholar whose groundbreaking research explores the protective rituals of the Qumran community. From apotropaic magic (yep, we learned a new word) to exorcisms, we discuss how ancient Jewish practices influenced early Christianity and what that means for us today. We also tackle the controversial world of deliverance ministries, spiritual disciplines, and even the role of music in spiritual warfare. Oh, and did we mention the title of Merrill’s dissertation is Sectually Transmitted Demons? Yeah, get ready for this one!

Weirdness of God book

01:13 Apotropaic rituals vs. exorcisms
02:17 What is apotropaism?
03:46 Groundbreaking research on the Dead Sea Scrolls
04:15 The contrast between apotropaism and exorcisms
06:00 Spiritual warfare and ancient Jewish traditions
06:41 The mezuzah as an apotropaic object
07:07 The Passover as an act of spiritual protection
08:30 Why the Reformation rejected spiritual protection rituals
09:32 The dangers of monetizing spiritual practices
11:33 How Merrill’s dissertation challenged modern deliverance practices
13:29 The armor of God as apotropaism
15:01 Apotropaism in First Nations traditions
17:32 The problem with rigid deliverance ministry rules
19:23 Psalm 91 as an exorcistic text
21:16 What is and isn’t superstition?
24:30 Jericho and the power of sound in warfare
27:08 How spiritual disciplines impact supernatural protection
30:33 The power of being part of a faith community
35:33 The danger of exaggerated deliverance theatrics
39:47 Joseph’s divination cup and biblical divination
41:08 Was the Essene community influential on early Christianity?
46:38 Did the Qumran community invoke spirits against each other?
48:53 Merrill’s next book: Altered States of Consciousness in the Bible
53:53 The stigma around altered states in Christianity
56:30 Merrill’s personal encounter with the supernatural
58:46 Why charismatics need academic theology
01:04:25 The church’s fear of spiritual experiences
01:06:39 Explaining Sectually Transmitted Demons
01:11:37 Merrill prayer
I Adjure You: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Battles
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